
Showing 106-126 of 405 Books
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Лидија Веловска
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Димитриевски Денис
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Матева Александра
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Апостолова Елена
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Арсовска Соња
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Мирсад Шкрета
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Фисник Касапи
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Газменд Јусуфи
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Весна Јуруковска Шотаровска
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Будима Пејковска Шахпаска
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Татјана Георгиевска Јанческа
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Весна Трпевска
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Сашка Тодороска
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Пановска Билјана
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Фека Рамиз
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Зендели-Беџети Линдита
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Конески Филип
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Ризинска Зорица
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Фидоски Јасмин
Категорија Mагистерски труд Автор: Черкези Сабетим
Категорија Докторска дисертација Автор: Буњаку Висар

Records from the past testify that the library of the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje was founded in 1977. Prof. Ljupka Matovska, PhD, then assistant, is the first initiator for the activities directed towards obtaining literature available for the education of the academic personnel. The library of the Faculty of Dentistry offers permanent utilization of the books which form the first literary fund of the newly-founded database at the Faculty of Dentistry. Besides its independent supply of new books and journals, the library’s fund has been expanding with the heartly help of many institutions (French Educational Center in Skopje, American Educational Center in Skopje, Home of Macedonia’s Emigrants, FDI World Dental Federation), donations from readers and alumni. The librarian of many years, Lidija Trajkovska, left a major imprint in library science. She took part not only in organizing and running the library but also in the scientific research work by wholeheartedly helping the teaching – scientific staff in their literary searches in times when the library’s fund was the dominating source of data. The monographs written on the occasion of jubilee anniversaries, the bibliographies in which she was actively involved together with the editorship, remain as a lasting legacy of the Faculty.

Something else worth pointing out is the extension of the opus of literature necessary for the studies at the Faculty of Dentistry made possible with the project “Translation of over 1050 vocational and scientific books and textbooks which are used in the renowned universities”. The project was made possible by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in the period from 2008 to 2017.

Today, the library is, again, situated at the Public Health Organization Dental Clinical Center “St. Pantelejmon” and it is available daily for its users as a place where they can search for some of the publications from the library’s fund, as a place where they can find materials for utilization or borrow some from the library’s fund which is open for external use as well.

In accordance with contemporary times, efforts are being made to found an e-library available at the Faculty’s website. With that being said, there are already some publications available such as habilitation, master’s and doctoral theses defended at the Faculty of Dentistry, review of textbooks and study guides, practicums, atlases, dictionaries and monographs as well as the Macedonian dental review and the repository of written papers.

Something that is of great importance for the teaching process is the availability of some of the textbooks, study guides and bundles of materials which are in electronic format which can be used for free.

A benefit for the teaching-scientific staff at the Faculty of Dentistry from October 2019 is the access to the Hinari database which, by using the available computers at the Faculty, enables them to search for and deepen their knowledge with contemporary literary data and which also encourages them to do new research.

No less important is that the students of all study programs at the Faculty can take advantage of the six computers available in the library to visit the Hinari database so they can use it for their educational purposes.