The beginnings of the scientific-research activity in the field of dentistry date from way back. Namely, its initial activities started from the late 40’s of the previous century when the staff from, at that time, better-known Clinic for Oral, Dental and Jaw diseases at the Faculty of Medicine presented the first professional-scientific works at symposia, seminars and congresses.
The first professional-scientific articles from the field of dentistry were initially published firstly in the Macedonian Medical Review and then in the Annual Miscellaneous Collection of the Faculty of Medicine. The independent development of scientific thought in dentistry began with the opening of the Department of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine in 1950. Furthermore, the interest for scientific-research activity of the doctors of dentistry kept growing and developing.
The dentistry staff achieved their scientific-research ideas and initial results through various wide-ranging studies which resulted in a myriad of defended habilitation theses, master’s theses and doctoral dissertations over the years.
Today, the scientific-research activity at the Faculty of Dentistry at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje takes place at the seven departments but also there is good cooperation with other departments from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy and other faculties and scientific-research institutes.
Over the last few years, the interest for scientific-research activity of doctors of dentistry has been constantly rising which resulted in many scientific-research projects and epidemiological studies out of which some are of national significance. To be more exact, in the last decade, there have been nine completed projects and two ongoing projects funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University and other institutes.
2012 (completed project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“HPV infection and molecular prognostic markers in patients with oral cancer” – lead researcher Asst. Prof. Antonio Kirkov, Dr. Sc. – Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
2013 (completed project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“The link between oral and genital infection with HPV virus – reasons for timely vaccination: yes or no?” lead researcher Prof. Mirjana Popovska, Dr. Sc – Department of Oral Cavity and Periodontal Diseases
2015 (completed project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“Bone augmentation with a new generation of composite bone substitutes” – lead researcher Prof. Marija Peeva Petreska, Dr. Sc. – Department of Oral Surgery
2015 (completed project – funded by Tamidental LLC – Skopje, representative of Curaprox products)
“Optimal health among the adult population on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia” – lead researcher Prof. Maja Pandilova, Dr. Sc. – Department of Oral Cavity and Periodontal Diseases
2016 (completed project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“Contemporary methods for conservative healing of decayed teeth” – lead researcher Prof. Sonja Apostolska, Dr. Sc. – Department of Tooth Pathology and Endodontics
2017 (completed project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“Evaluation of the need for of prosthetic rehabilitation and its impact on the oral health and the quality of life among the geriatric population in the Republic of Macedonia” – lead researcher Prof. Gordana Kovacevska, Dr. Sc. – Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
2017 – 2018 (completed project – funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia)
Bilateral project between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Slovenia titled: “Prefabricated zirconia abutments with retentive coronary shape for restoration of endodontically treated teeth – in vitro evaluation of treatment” – lead researcher Prof. Julijana Nikolovska, Dr. Sc. – Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
2018 (ongoing project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“Use of photogrammetry for three dimensional analysis of craniofacial morphology” – lead researcher Asst. Aleksandar Iliev, Dr. Sc. – Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
2019 (ongoing project – funded by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University)
“Evaluation of the DMFT index among 12-year-old children in the Republic of North Macedonia” – lead researcher Prof. Elizabeta Gjorgievska – Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
In 2014, the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University awarded Prof. Biljana Kapusevska, Dr.Sc. from the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and the scientific collaborator Vesna Ambarkova from the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry the awards for the scientists of the year. This stands as a proof that the interest for scientific research is permanently increasing among the staff at the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje.

In order to encourage further development in the scientific-research activity among the staff at the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje, which would have applicable contribution to the everyday clinical practice and in order to increase the quality of dental care and the quality of the educational and practical work, the new Statute of the Faculty of Dentistry envisages establishment of a Center for laboratory scientific-research work, which started in October 2019.
The Center is an organizational unit which carries out scientific-research work and highly professional dental activities from various fields of dentistry. The research activity of the staff engaged in this Center as well as the necessary devices and materials are going to be provided and funded by the Faculty. The equipping of the Center’s laboratories for scientific-research work with contemporary devices and instruments has already started this year. This is the precondition for the young staff, master’s graduates, doctoral graduates and specialists to achieve their ideas and objectives in the area of scientific research. In their research, the staff at the Faculty of Dentistry strictly respects the ethical principles of the biomedical and dental research. Additionally, the Ethics Committee for Medical and Dental Research provides its opinion on the ethical acceptability of the research.
The Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje makes efforts to obtain European funds for international projects which will open further possibilities for growth and development of various fields and segments in the area of dentistry in the Republic of North Macedonia.