Career center – Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Faculty of Dentistry – Skopje

Within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje there exists an internal organization named the “Career Centre” which comprises all the career centers within the university’s units. 

Following are the responsibilities of the University’s Career Centre:

  • organizes practice to gain the work experience of students in a company, institution or other form of organization, enabling practical knowledge and skills to be gained and better access to the labour market.
  • provides networking, i.e. easier employment after completing higher education, by creating activities for continuous interaction and the possibility of obtaining more information needed for their development.
  • provides career counseling and professional guidance for university students in all cycles of studies, within organized sessions, consultations, spontaneous meetings, career planning courses, specialized events such as open days, career days, educational presentations, etc.
  • organizes workshops for sharing knowledge and experience by competent professionals, in order to develop certain competences and behavioral skills related to the preparation of students for their first employment.  Workshops include preparing students for work application, induction program, inert training during teaching and educational processes from a practical perspective through lectures on current topics.

The Alumni Club, organized within the Career Centre, maintains a database of graduates, master’s and doctorate students of the Faculty of Dentistry, which includes information on their development and current position.

The current head of the Career Centre of the Faculty of Dentistry – Skopje is Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristina Mitic.


Dear colleagues,

Alumni philosophy of connecting faculties with his graduates’ students is of particular importance to the prosperity and development of many higher education institutions in the world. For the past ten years, alumni philosophy has also been recognizable in many European countries, after it was found that the alumni community is an extremely important link between faculties and their former students, and today established citizens with high scientific and professional achievements and high and responsible duties in society.

Your membership in the alumni club of the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje is of particular importance for expanding the activities with which we will be able to raise the dignity and meaning of professions: Doctor of Dentistry/Dental Medicine, Professional dental technician and professional dental nurse-oral hygienists, and will contribute to even greater development of the faculty.

The main goal of the alumni club is to try to network individuals who, with their reputation and work, can help the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje to continue the development of good relations with all of you who encourage positive initiatives. At the same time, relations with alumni will be a solid base for further activities to preserve the tradition of the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje, improving reputation, strengthening the relationship between former students, establishing co-operation with similar higher education, scientific research, health institutions and other legal entities in Macedonia and abroad and co-operation with institutions in which former students of the Faculty of Dentistry work. The Alumni Club will also aim to create a database to design programs to achieve all of the above goals.

The mission and goals of the alumni club are:

  • Professional and social connection of graduates and regular students from the country and abroad with the teaching, scientific and collaborative staff of the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje.
  • Raising the dignity, importance and image of doctors in dentistry/dental medicine, professional dental technicians and professional dental nurses-oral hygienists.
  • Engaging alumni members for providing lectures to faculty students and for the needs of continuous dental education.
  • Modernizing, consulting and aligning study programs with the needs and requirements of practice.

Alumni club membership

A member of the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Dentistry is any person who has successfully completed the approved study programme from the first, second or third cycle of studies, a person who has completed specialization or subspecialization conducted by the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje or is employed or retired from the faculty.

Dear Alumni and friends of the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje,

Please fill out the membership application (electronic form or in the form of a questionnaire available at the following link: and become a member of the Faculty Alumni Club.

Information on the current events related to the activities of the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Dentistry can be found on the page– reports from the members of the Alumni Club.