The second cycle of Vocational Studies in Dental Medicine
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The interest for further professional development imposed by the modern development of science and technology also present in the field of dentistry, as well as the growing number of new information and knowledge gained with the development of modern dentistry / dental medicine, impose the need for lifelong learning and introduction of new forms of education. The justification for the introduction of the second cycle of professional studies arises from the numerous changes that have occurred in the educational process for profiling the dental staff. The specifics of the labor market in our country, which refers to dentistry, affect the need to introduce this new study program. In order to become competitive on the labor market, the dentist needs to constantly follow the innovations in this field of medical sciences and health.

The Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty, in 2018, decided to adopt a study program of the second cycle of professional studies for doctors of dental medicine with a duration of 2 semesters (60 credits). This program is accredited by the Accreditation Board and the first 11 students are enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020.

The completion of this study program will create a solid basis and advantage if the candidate decides on further vocational or scientific training.

The teaching of this one-year curriculum in all subject programs will be performed through theoretical, practical teaching, clinical practice, and independent research work. The study program is designed according to the European credit transfer system.

Candidates who have graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry (doctors of dentistry and/or doctors of dental medicine) have the right to apply in the competition and to enroll in the second cycle of professional studies in dental medicine.

The study program is structured of mandatory, elective subjects and preparation and defense of a completed vocational thesis. Elective subjects are grouped into elective blocs, according to the scientific field to which they belong. In the first semester, students have 4 mandatory subjects enabling a total of 30 ECTS. In the second semester, students choose one of the 6 elective blocks offered. Elective blocks are related to one of the scientific fields in dentistry. Within the elective block where the student can obtain a total of 21 ECTS, he/she is also equipped with a practical training in form of practical work, demonstration of various cases, as well as independent research work. The students win the other 9 ECTS by preparing and defending the final vocational thesis. This paper is publicly defended after passing all subjects.

Upon completion of the studies, the student acquires the vocational title of specialist – doctor of dental medicine.

The general competencies the student acquires after graduation are as follows:

– adequate knowledge of the sciences on which dentistry is based, a good understanding of scientific methods, and mastering the various skills arising from the selection of the candidate;

– appropriate scientific knowledge of the constitution, physiology, and behavior of healthy and diseased individuals, as well as the impact of the natural and social environment on human health;

– adequate knowledge of the structure and function of the teeth, mouth, jaws, and other oral tissues and their relation to the general health condition and the physical and social well-being of the patient;

– adequate knowledge of methods for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of anomalies, diseases of the teeth, mouth, jaws, and other oral tissues.

The specific competencies the student acquires after graduation are:

– excellence in using the methods for searching and consulting professional, domestic, and foreign literature;

– application of teamwork and interdisciplinary approach in everyday practice, all to promote and preserve the oral and general health of each individual;

– collecting data from a routine practice that can be scientifically processed;

– acquisition of practical skills from different fields of dentistry.

Upon completion of the studies, the student prepares for the following jobs:

– work in a public health institution;

– participation in scientific projects for the promotion of oral health;

– work in companies dealing with production, procurement, distribution, and sale of dental materials and equipment;

– work in public institutions (ministries, agencies) that deal with the promotion of oral health.

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