The first textbook in Macedonian language in the field of dentistry, dates from 1951, when it was published under the title “Dental prosthetics and dentistry” by Professor Zhelezarov, intended for teaching at the High School for dentists and dental technicians.

Macedonian publishing activity is enriched with the “Conference proceeding of professional works from the First Dental Meeting of the Republic of Macedonia”, published in 1967, which arose from the first meeting of dentists from Macedonia in Katlanovska Banja, organized by the Dental Section of the Macedonian Medical Association.

The necessity of expansion of professional-scientific knowledge was the reason for the Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje to start publishing the first professional journal of dentists from Macedonia, which has been a representative of knowledgeability in the field of dentistry till the present day. Prof. Dr. Ivan Tavciovski, together with the first editor-in-chief, prof. Dr. Blagorodna Lazarevska, are the founders of this journal. Together with those who participated in preparation of the first issue, they set the foundations of this journal of the dental community that still exists through time.

In 1973, the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, published a study entitled “Caries frequency in areas with optimal and minimal presence of fluoride in drinking water” by Ivan Tavciovski and his associates from the Department for dental pathology and therapy at the Faculty of Dentistry, at that time.

The first textbook in Macedonian for the students of the Faculty of Dentistry, published by the University Printing House, Skopje, entitled “Dental Prosthetic Materials” (script) by prof. Dr. Eftim Mirchev, appeared in 1982, and the same author in the following years will publish four more textbooks.

The textbook “Traumatology of the facial bones”, by academician Dr. Ilija Vaskov, was published in 1983, and in his creative work we note 13 textbooks and atlases in the field of maxillofacial surgery.

Since the eighties of the last century there has been a tendency to publish textbooks, teaching aids, practicums, packages of materials, scripts, atlases, dictionaries, monographs, from all areas of dentistry, and their total number until 2009 is 130.

In the past decade, the trend of publishing materials arising from the teaching contents continues at an unabated pace, so today there is almost no subject that lacks a textbook or teaching aid in Macedonian language from Faculty of Dentistry Skopje.